Popeye was right; spinach really is good for you. Spinach is a leafy vegetable that belongs to the same family as kale and beets and is not only great tasting but also able to provide your body with excellent nutrition and can cure many health problems.

Raw spinach is rich in amino acids, carotenes, Vitamins A, C, E, K and B complex, iron (which explains Popeye’s strength after eating spinach), iodine (which has anti-inflammatory agents), magnesium, potassium and more. The alkalinity of the minerals found in spinach helps your body to regulate its pH and you will get the same amount of protein from a portion of spinach as you would get from a portion of meat.
Spinach juice is probably one of the best ways to consume raw spinach and it has many health benefits.

When cooking spinach you will lose a lot of its nutrients and to fully experience the nutritional benefits, it is recommended that you eat raw spinach at least once a day. By eating or drinking raw spinach or spinach juice you will:

* Never become anemic. The iron in spinach allows for the regeneration of red blood cells and is an excellent blood builder.
* Receive relief from rheumatoid arthritis because of spinach’s high alkalinity.
* Combat acidosis because the minerals in spinach will clean out the tissue and keep the alkalinity of blood constant.
* Replenish any Vitamin C deficiency that can cause bleeding gums.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4599512